Koehler measure to invest in Peoria
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SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler is spearheading an initiative to incentivize landlords to improve properties and address urban decay in the greater Peoria area, giving residents improved housing opportunities throughout the community.
“Peoria has seen a rapid decline in population recently, leading to vacant properties and businesses closing their doors,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “In order to keep our families here, we need to invest in our neighborhoods.”
Under current law, only newly built single family homes and duplexes qualify for a tax break. Senate Bill 2936 would allow remodeled homes and duplexes in areas of urban decay to qualify for this tax break, giving landlords an incentive to upgrade properties in order to revitalize neighborhoods.
“This bill gives our community the tools to bolster our economy, provide adequate housing and present new opportunities for our residents,” said Koehler. “I am proud to call Peoria my home, and I want everyone in our community to feel the same way I do about our city.”
Senate Bill 2936 passed the Senate Revenue Committee on Wednesday and heads to the Senate floor for further discussion.
Koehler highlights education and fiscal improvements after governor’s budget address
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SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) issued the following statement after hearing the governor’s proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget:
“There are many investments in this proposed budget that I believe would be of a tremendous service to our communities in Peoria and the Bloomington-Normal area. The continuation in our commitment to workforce training and higher education reflects the qualities that make our area a great place to live, learn and work.
“The proposed increases to higher education continues our investment in our students and sends a message to families that we are fighting for the community colleges and universities in our backyard. People from all over the state come to our district to enroll in our schools. This proposal continues to reinforce the opportunities that our local universities and community colleges present in downstate Illinois.
“Families across Peoria and Bloomington-Normal deserve a budget with sound judgement. We have taken great strides to make our state fiscally responsible, including nine credit upgrades and $2 billion saved in our rainy day fund. I look forward working with my colleagues to present our own budget that will continue this effort.”
Members of the Illinois Underground Railroad Task Force outline goals
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SPRINGFIELD – Members of the Illinois Underground Railroad Task Force had its first meeting where they selected State Senator Dave Koehler and State Representative Debbie Meyers-Martin as co-chairs, and outlined its findings from the first meeting and goals for the coming months.
“This task force will bring a better understanding of how the Underground Railroad operated, as slaves escaped the south for freedom and a better life in Illinois,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “By giving Illinoisans a clear understanding of the past, we are creating a greater future.”
The Illinois Underground Railroad Task Force was created through legislation championed by Koehler last year – Senate Bill 1623. The task force will create a statewide plan to connect existing local projects and new projects to create a cohesive statewide history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois, while establishing new educational and tourism opportunities.
“The history of Underground Railroad is one of freedom, bravery and community. Because of its geographical location, Illinois has a robust history of sites, communities and individuals who helped on or used the Underground Railroad for a network of freedom,” said Jenn Edginton, interim director of the Illinois State Museum. “This task force will help explore more ways to bring this history to light.”
The task force – which held its first meeting Tuesday – is comprised of people from a number of organizations and agencies – like the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois State Historical Society.
Following its introductory meeting, members of the task force held the press conference to highlight how it will determine historical sites, connections they have to one another, and create a picture to recognize the history of the Underground Railroad.
“It’s time we bring to light our history that led us to where we are today,” said State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield). “Illinois played a crucial role in freeing slaves and we need to recognize the pioneers who fought for the rights of African Americans, giving them the freedom and justice they deserved.”
The task force will continue to meet throughout the next few months and will submit a report and recommendations to the General Assembly and governor by July 1.
Price gouging of generic medication to end under Koehler’s new law
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SPRINGFIELD – A new law from State Senator Dave Koehler will prevent drug manufacturers and distributors from spiking the cost of generic medicine.
“Every Illinoisan deserves affordable access to necessary medication,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “This law prevents companies from robbing residents just for an extra buck.”
House Bill 3957 creates the Illinois Generic Drug Pricing Fairness Act, which prohibits price gouging of essential off-patent and generic medication.
“We need to take a stand for our residents and prohibit companies from these manipulative schemes,” said Koehler. “There should never be a situation when someone has to decide between picking up their medication or groceries for their family.”
House Bill 3957 takes effect Jan. 1, 2024.
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