SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler is leading a measure to remove vital records fees for survivors of domestic violence.
“Domestic violence survivors are already dealing with immense trauma,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “Why are we taking money out of their pockets, adding more burdens to the reporting process?”
House Bill 2841 would remove the fees associated with services of vital records done by the State Registrar for survivors of domestic violence. The fee for a search of vital records is $10 per application currently and includes the files on birth, death, and fetal death. These records can be used to dissolve marriages and civil unions, receive information on the birth of a child and unexpected miscarriages and for genealogical purposes.
“A basic service to help a survivor in need shouldn’t have a cost,” said Koehler. “This initiative would prevent the possibility of survivors being turned away.”
House Bill 2841 passed the Senate Local Government Committee Wednesday and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler is championing a measure to highlight future career opportunities for children with disabilities.
“In many situations, children with disabilities and their families feel as if there aren’t a lot of options for work after graduation,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “We must provide equal opportunities for all students to lead them on the path toward a bright future.”
Under House Bill 3224, students with individualized education plans – or IEPs – and their parents would be provided information on the school district’s career and technical education and dual credit opportunities.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler is spearheading a measure to require insurance providers to cover hearing aids and related services for people of all ages.
“Illinoisans shouldn’t have to face financial burdens for something that is necessary for a high quality of life,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “Hearing aids are devices that should be covered by insurance, and not by the wallets of those who wear them.”
House Bill 2443 builds upon the 2018 measure Koehler-supported measure that required insurance to cover hearing aids for children under the age of 18. Koehler’s measure expands upon that by requiring insurers to provide coverage for everyone if their doctor prescribes a hearing instrument – which can cost up to $4,000.
“If your doctor is prescribing something to you, it should be covered by your insurance,” said Koehler. “People shouldn’t have to forgo their hearing. It’s time we make hearing aids more accessible for all who need them.”
House Bill 2443 passed the Senate Insurance Committee Tuesday and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler is leading a measure to prorate debts of students who are recipients of scholarship programs who need to fulfil their obligations at a later time.
“There are many instances where students have to take a leave of absence or cannot complete their education when they originally planned,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “Students who are pursuing an education degree shouldn’t have to pay more if they fulfill their teaching obligations at a later time.”
House Bill 3498 would allow a recipient of either the Minority Teachers of Illinois, Special Education Teacher Waiver or the Golden Apple Scholar of Illinois to have their debt prorated for completing their teaching obligations at a later time, up to a five year window.
“We have many students who have jobs and responsibilities that can take their time away from the classroom,” said Koehler. “We shouldn’t be punishing these students for trying to accomplish their goals – we should be giving them the opportunities they need to succeed.”
House Bill 3498 passed the Senate Higher Education Committee Tuesday and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.
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