
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler voted today in favor of legislation to counter the skyrocketing cost of prescription insulin.

“For those with severe diabetes, insulin is as necessary as the air we breathe,” Koehler (D-Peoria) said. “We have people being forced to make the impossible choice between food and housing or prescription medication. Increasing the affordability of this treatment is simply common sense.”

Senate Bill 667 would cap out of pocket insulin expenses at $100 for a 30-day supply.

According to the American Diabetes Association, there are over 30 million Americans who have diabetes, with 7.4 million of them who require prescription insulin to survive. The increasing cost of the medication has forced many of these patients to choose between purchasing vital medication and other basic necessities.

“There shouldn’t be a choice to make in the first place,” Koehler said. “Those who suffer from diabetes should be able to acquire the necessary prescription medication without it breaking the bank.”